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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Free Movie Night Photos

Thank you for showing up and showing out!
We gave out Free Popcorn & Soda!!!
Thank you for bringing dry goods and toiletries for our Marines overseas!
The snow didn't stop you all from coming!!
The Mayor showed up to our free movie night!
Check out our album on facebook!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012

Take Precautions

Mold is more likely to spread when an environment has been subject to moisture for a long period of time. If your property has sustained a recent water damage, it is vital to remove excess water and dry the structure promptly. If there is an ongoing moisture problem in the building, it is important to be alert for:

* The presence of visible mold
* Strong musty odors which may indicate mold is present.
* Any evidence of past moisture problems that might have caused undetected mold growth
* Excessive humidity

These conditions may require the expertise of a qualified Indoor Air Quality/Environmental Professional to inspect the building for mold growth and water damage problems.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Clean Air in the Home

* Children in homes with high levels of mold show persistent, cold like symptoms - 300% more than those in clean environments.
* Every year about 40 pounds of dust is generated per 1,500 square feet in a home.
* Roughly 80 percent of the particles you see floating in your home in a ray of sunshine are dead human skin.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Utilizing Electronic Commerce

At Servpro®, electronic commerce is as easy as using e-mail.

In response to your needs, Servpro® created ScanER®XL, an electronic solution for claims handling.

* No cost or usage fees to you.
* Instant, 24-hour access to secure, electronic claims files.
* An easy-to-use e-mail link delivered to your computer takes you directly to your specific claims file.
* No software or training required.
* Digital photographs document the loss and restoration process.
* Detailed estimates and management reports.
* Signed work authorization and customer satisfaction forms.

The Servpro® ScanER®XL advantage: Customized reports that validate results at the touch of a button.